So you have made some of your critical public information available accessibly on your web site and in alternative formats. What next? How can you let people know that it is there? The disability community is notoriously hard to reach but it is possible and the good news is that it is not particularly expensive.
All you need to do to begin with is to state on all your published material containing the same information that this information is available in x y and z formats, and how to get it. It should be included on web sites and printed material. The information can be quite prominently placed. (Make sure you can deliver though.)
Here is an example from the UK.
Click on the thumbnail to enlarge.
It is true that blind people won’t read print. But friends and family will, and word gets out. One of the advantages of living in a small country is that everyone knows everyone else. Good practice like this walks the talk of accessibility, and is a very tangible way to support the everyday rights of disabled people to access everyday information. It also shows that the organisation has really thought about all its customers, and you can’t go wrong with customer focus.